Merc’art 2018 @ Sic Notícias

November, 2018
Art, Exhibition, Featured, TV


30 Creators Come Together at MERC'ART.

The 3rd edition of MERC’ARTE opens this Wednesday at LX Factory in Lisbon. Thirty creators from diverse fields have been invited to produce works at more affordable prices.

This exciting event will bring together some of the most talented creators from various disciplines, all under one roof. From painters and sculptors to photographers and designers, there is something for everyone at MERC’ART.

Visit MERC’ART at LX Factory from November 13 to December 23, 2018.


Judges @ MNJC

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Merc’art Podcast

MERC’ART Challenged Us for a Talk that Resulted in a Podcast. So, if you want to know a bit more about us, you can listen

É a vida Alvim

Fernando Alvim has invited us to join his program on the Q Channel “É a vida Alvim” to talk a bit about ourselves and digital