We are proud to announce that our illustrations have been featured in INPRINT MAGAZINE’s 13th issue. This esteemed publication is dedicated to showcasing the best in illustration and we are honored to be included. The feature showcases a diverse collection of our illustrations, each one showcasing our unique style and artistic vision.
Being featured in INPRINT MAGAZINE is a huge accomplishment for us and we are grateful to have the opportunity to showcase our illustrations to a wider audience. We put a lot of time and effort into creating high-quality work that stands out and it’s an honor to have our illustrations recognized by such a reputable publication.
We invite you to check out the feature for yourself by visiting INPRINT MAGAZINE’s website and clicking on the link to the 13th issue. You’ll be able to see our illustrations in all their glory and discover more about our work. We look forward to continuing to create high-quality work that will be featured in publications like INPRINT MAGAZINE in the future.
“A married couple, sweet wine, bitter beer and homemade illustration”
– InPrint Magazine
See the online issue here.
Hope you like it.